21 years in 13 countries

Robert B. Lisek

Czech Republic

Robert B. Lisek

Czech Republic


Robert B. Lisek is an artist, mathematician and composer who focuses on systems, networks and processes (computational, biological, social). He is involved in a number of projects focused on media art, creative storytelling and interactive art. Drawing upon post-conceptual art, software art and meta-media, his work intentionally defies categorization. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Lisek is also a composer of contemporary music, author of many projects and scores on the intersection of spectral, stochastic, concret music, musica futurista and noise. Lisek is also a scientist who conducts research in the area of foundations of science (mathematics and computer science). His research interests are category theory and high-order algebra in relation to artificial general intelligence. Lisek is a founder of Fundamental Research Lab and ACCESS Art Symposium. He is the author of 300 exhibitions and presentations, among others: SIBYL – ZKM Karlsruhe; SIBYL II – IRCAM Center Pompidou; QUANTUM ENIGMA – Harvestworks Center New York and STEIM Amsterdam; TERROR ENGINES – WORM Center Rotterdam, Secure Insecurity – ISEA Istanbul; DEMONS – Venice Biennale (accompanying events); Manifesto vs. Manifesto – Ujazdowski Castel of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI – Siggraph, Los Angeles.




SUPRASYMMETRY is the project that deals with AI and dynamic immersive environments. I use neural networks to explore non-euclidian geometries and sound spatialization. I have developed machine learning methods that extend granular and pulsar synthesis in composing and new methods of building and transforming virtual environments. I was particularly interested in the problem of presence and flow in virtual environments. Presence is defined as the subjective experience of being in one place or environment, even when one is physically situated in another. Presence is a normal awareness phenomenon that requires directed attention and is based in the interaction between sensory stimulation, environmental factors that encourage involvement and enable immersion. Flow is a state of experience where someone is completely absorbed and immersed in an activity. I researched relations between presence, flow, immersion and interactivity, e.g. how interactivity and sound spatialization improves experience of presence.

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