Physis is an interactive installation, which is the product of the collaboration between artists Raisa Pimentel, Marta Minguell, Ana Mar López, Ana de la Mora, Azzura Stilo, and the audio-voice performer JSFNBRRX.
Raisa Pimentel is a new media and biomaterials artist, who is currently a recipient of the support grant Jóvenes Creadores: Medios audiovisuales – New Technologies (Young Creators: audiovisual media – New Technologies). Her work has been shown nationally and internationally.
Marta Minguell is an audiovisual director and media artist based in Barcelona, Spain. She creates experiences and meaningful displays that reside in the intersection of art and technology. She currently directs and designs immersive experiences in events and festivals. Ana Mar López is an interactive narrator, who is interested in experiencing the different ways in which emotions can be lived and stories can be told. She is currently the Product Manager of Penguin Random House.
Ana de la Mora is a media and interactive artist. She is an audiovisual and interactive designer for Connectingbrains. Azzura Stilo is an Italian set designer and animator, her works have been part of various festivals.
Josefina Barreix, alias JSFNBRRX, is an audio and voice performer dedicated to musical production who explores the possibilities of sound as a physical force, not only including audible frequencies, but also those that are inaudible.
Interactive Installation
Our accelerating pace of life has disconnected us from nature and from each other, that’s why “Physis” arose from the need to reestablish a connection through the use of technology.
“Physis” is an interactive installation inspired by the symbolism and spatial design of a Zen garden, which was made to propose a metaphoric way of sculpting through a special connection with nature.
The installation consists of a concentric arrangement of stones placed around a sand circle. On top of the stones, there are three rocks that, when touched, generate visual images that are projected onto the sand and sounds that can be heard through headphones. This base design adapts to the surrounding nature, that’s why materials from around CDMX will be collected.
When we interact with the rocks, layers of visual images and audios overlap in real time, which results in a mutable shaping that depends on the interaction of the users, generating a collective experience.
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