Hsin-Chien Huang is a content creator who is fluent with both digital technology and traditional art.He had collaborated with media artist Laurie Anderson with her first interactive CDROM “Puppet Motel”. He also had experience to work with computer entertainment companies like Sega and Sony as art director. Currently he is a devoted artist and also teaching at several universities on interactive media.
After he returned to Taiwan in 2001, he established Storynest, a team of creative people to support his art creation. orynest is an art creation team that supports Hsin-Chien Huang’s art creation. Its creative contents include stories, digital prints, web art, music and interactive installations. Storynest converts the traditional art form like photographic, storytelling, music, images into new hybrid presentation with the usage of digital tools. Since 2001, Storynest has collaborated with singers, dancers, photographers and curators in various projects.
“The Flow”
Hsin Chien Huang
This is an interactive installation consisting of a tumult of buildings coexist in a projected space. When the audience stands in front of the image, the group of buildings takes the shape of your face in real time.