Michel Paysant (born 1955 in Bouzonville) is a French artist. He is noted for his OnLAB (Laboratoire d’Oeuvres Nouvelles) research project which branches art, science and technology. He is a skilled sculptor, artist, participant and specialist in nanoscopic works with emphasis on the fusion of the arts and science. He believes that the “world of science and the arts never cross” and works to “build bridges between these two worlds”.
Michel Paysant has collaborated with major museums like the Pompidou Centre or the Louvre, experiencing his research on some masterpieces of the history of art or contemporary art.
Michel Paysant’s field of research (cognitive sciences, nanotechnology as well as traditional crafts and design techniques) is in direct line with today’s major issues concerning «future industries», bringing the eyes of an artist to the process of intellectual upheaval, cultural and social induced by modern technologies.
This installation developed by the artist uses a technology derived from science: the eye tracking.. ** When you look at a subject, this immaterial look is instantly transformed into a drawing with paper pencil.
Passionate about classical and experimental drawing, Michel Paysant has been developing for nearly fifteen years a research project in cognitive sciences entitled DALY (Dessiner avec les yeux – Drawing with the eyes) in which he has experimented all the possibilities of the “eye-tool” with an eyetracker : drawing, painting, sculpting, creating architectures, composing and performing music with eye movements.
His team is composed of two engineers Olivier Herbez and Jean Paysant.